Hello Readers!
The plan was to just give an update on Quiescent: Blood Feud, book 3 in the Uncovered Darkness Mental Health Horror Series. However, I figured now would be as good time to provide some insight into my editing process. It has grown since my debut novel. So, if you are considering becoming a writer, maybe this could help someone understand some of the work involved by providing a little look into how I engage in the editing process. With Descent of a Broken Man, I believe I did eight (8) editing passes, with professional editing included (developmental editing, copy/line editing, and proofreader). It worked, but Descent has its flaws.
For Quiescent: Blood Feud I am currently at step #3 in my editing process and the story is coming along great. I’m excited to get the story out to you all. I think I’ve spilled enough blood :-) Anyway, back to the editing. What I do will also help with keeping track of the numerous different manuscripts at the different stages of editing. So, instead of naming the files Quiescent #1, Quiescent #2, Quiescent #3, etc., the manuscripts are names according to the stage in editing. See below:
Editing Stages:
Initial (Rough) Draft - Everyone knows what this is. Just get the story out. It won’t be pretty. That’s what editing is for! (File name - Title R.D.)
1st edit - This is exactly what it sounds like. My 1st pass through my manuscript. It’s always ugly. Plot holes and continuity issues galore. The manuscript is always much better after this edit is completed. (File name - Title F.E.)
Alpha Reader - An Alpha Reader is great to have if you have someone you can trust. Someone who is brutally honest and knows how the writing process works. This person will see a very messy manuscript pretty early in the process. The fresh eyes are a welcome at this stage. The main goal is to get feedback on story continuity issues, character feedback, and overall entertainment level of the manuscript.
Alpha 1st edits - Take all of that lovely feedback from the Alpha Reader and get to work. Some I’ll use. Some I won’t. All of the insight provided is valuable. (File name - Title Alpha F.E.) Note: Sometimes I will do two passes through my manuscript after Alpha Reader feedback.
Developmental Edit - First eyes by a professional editor. This is an important step for all the reasons above. Professional feedback on story arc, continuity, character development, and plot issues. This process can take 4-6 weeks depending on the person(s) you hired availability and workload.
Developmental Edit #1 - Once I get my manuscript back its time to put in more work. Fix those issues. (File Name - Title D.E.1)
Developmental Edit #2 - Do it again. Either I missed something or I can improve something. (File Name - Title D.E.2)
Beta Reader - Time for the Beta Reader(s). For me, I only have 1 or 2 Beta Readers for my work in progress. Too many can make you second guess yourself and, in my opinion, can be counter productive.
Beta Reader 1st Edit - Once I get the feedback from my Betas, get back to work. This should be the last of any plot, continuity, or character development issues. (File Name - Title B.R.E.)
Copy/Line Edit - Time for your second professional edit. This person will go through your manuscript line by line and find any issues. The “cleaner” your manuscript is when you send it to them, the better your results will be. Your editor will thank you.
Copy/Line 1st Edit - Time to fix all those grammatical issues. No problem. You’re a big time writer remember?! Nothing like this stage to make you say “How did I miss that?” Over and over again. Fix any other issue I might find as well. (File Name - Title C.E)
ProofReader - The last professional eyes that will take a look at my manuscript.
ProofReader 1st Edit - Fix those last issues.
Final Draft - All done. My manuscript is ready for formatting. (File Name - Title Final)
There it is. Fourteen stages of editing I have implemented as part of my process. Everyone is different. Find what works for you and go with it!
I hope this gives a little insight to my madness. I’m currently on step four with Quiescent: Blood Feud. The Alpha Reader is enjoying it and the journey continues!